Update from the Jewish Museum London
In March 2020, just as Covid-19 arrived in the UK, the Jewish Museum London announced its new Interim Director, Frances Jeens….
As the only museum in London dedicated to a minority group, the Jewish Museum explores Jewish heritage and identity as part of the wider story of multicultural Britain, focusing on the universal themes of migration, family, faith, and culture. Through stimulating and enriching storytelling, the JML brings to life the impact of Jewish communities on the UK’s past, present, and future.
Tweets by Jewish Museum LondonThe museum offers a dynamic cultural experience in four permanent galleries, special exhibitions and events in which the Jewish story is of contemporary relevance to our visitors.
The Jewish Museum London was founded in 1932 by Professor Cecil Roth, Alfred Rubens and Wilfred Samuel. Originally located in Woburn House in Bloomsbury, it moved to an elegant early Victorian listed building in Camden Town in 1994.
The London Museum of Jewish Life was founded in 1983 as the Museum of the Jewish East End with the aim of rescuing and preserving the disappearing heritage of London’s East End – the heartland of Jewish settlement in Britain. While the East End has remained an important focus, the Museum expanded to reflect the diverse roots and social history of Jewish people across London, including the experiences of refugees from Nazism. It also developed an acclaimed programme of Holocaust and anti-racist education.
In 1995 the two Museums were amalgamated. Between 1995 and 2007 the combined Jewish Museum ran on two sites, but with a long-term aim to find the means to combine the two collections, activities and displays within a single site.
Following years of planning and fundraising the Museum bought a former piano factory behind the Camden Town site and raised the required funds to combine and remodel the buildings. The new Museum opened to the public on 17 March 2010.
A registered charity and museum, Ben Uri announced in October 2018 its transformational Sustainability and Public Benefit Strategic Plan. This 20 page document re-visited,…
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews (POLIN Museum) is the first and only Museum dedicated to restoring the memory…
IdentityFostering Elie Wiesel’s legacy and Jewish Heritage from Maramures. At the Elie Wiesel Heritage Museum from Maramures, part of the Maramures…
The Jewish Museum Berlin is one of the outstanding institutions on the European museum landscape. Its new core exhibition that opened…
The Jewish Museum Munich has been focusing on the Jewish history and culture of the city of Munich, the multiplicity of…
The complex where the Jewish Museum is located, with its magnificent hidden Synagogue, is a Piedmont’s Baroque masterpiece. In the heart…