Capturing the Ghetto. Artistic Portrayals of Everyday Life in the Łódź Ghetto
The exhibition “Capturing the Ghetto. Artistic Portrayals of Everyday Life in the Łódź Ghetto” accompanies the 80th anniversary of the liquidation…
The ninth volume of the complete English edition of the Ringelblum Archive has been released!
“The Ringelblum Archive. Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto, vol. 9. Letters on the Shoah” (ed. by Maria Ferenc and Eleonora Bergman) is based on Listy o Zagładzie [Letters on the Shoah], the first volume of the Polish edition of the materials of the Ringelblum Archive, the underground archive of the Warsaw ghetto. It was published in 1997 and contained letters testifying to the dying ghettos, destruction of Jews in killing centres and mass executions.
Although many of the letters concerned individual persons and families, most often it was a way to convey information about entire communities. The editor of the volume was Ruta Sakowska (1922– 2011), a pioneering researcher and expert in the history of the Warsaw ghetto and the Oyneg Shabes group. She was an initiator of the project to publish the entire Ringelblum Archive in Polish.
The book is available at JHI’s Tłomackie Bookstore and can be purchased following this link.