Jewish Ceremonial Art: Continuing the Conversation
Please join us for a special virtual program in memory of Vivian B. Mann
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
12 Noon EDT
Vivian B. Mann, Judaica curator at the Jewish Museum in New York and founder of the graduate program in Jewish Art and Visual Culture at The Jewish Theological Seminary of America, made innumerable contributions to the field. Building on her legacy, two eminent scholars will each speak about a ceremonial object from the vantage point of their different disciplines, and then engage in a conversation with a moderator about the study of Jewish visual culture today and the possibilities for the future.
The program
Maya Balakirsky Katz, Bar Ilan University,
“Lighting the Way: Chabad and Chanukkah”
Laura Arnold Leibman, Reed College,
“Imperial Bonds: Montefiore Family Wedding Garments and the International Textile Trade”
Moderator: Magda Teter, Fordham University
Please click here to register.
Organized by Vivian B. Mann’s colleagues and presented as a partnership between the Jewish Museum and Fordham University’s Center for Jewish Studies.
Made possible through the generosity of Mildred Weissman and The Malka Fund.