MEST 2021: Tools for Online Learning
During this interactive workshop with Maciek Zabierowski (Jewish Museum Oświęcim) and Kristine Bjørndal-Lien (Oslo Jewish Museum) participants will learn about online tools for teaching and increasing learner engagement during online educational events. We will focus on when to use each of the tools and then practice the setup and using during educational events. In this workshop we will work with the following online tools: Jamboard, Padlet and Mentimeter.
Registration is closed.
Tue 25 May, 14:00-16:00 CET
Workshop leader
- Maciek Zabierowski – Learning Designer, University for Science and Technology, Kraków (PL) and Head of Learning and Special Projects at Auschwitz Jewish Center, Oświęcim (PL)
- Kristine Bjørndal-Lien – Educator at Oslo Jewish Museum (NO)
There is a limited no. of places available for this online workshop.
Registration is closed.
Initiated by POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews and Oslo Jewish Museum, AEJM’s Museum Education Seminars and Training (MEST) is a new professional development programme that addresses educators from Jewish museums in Europe. The programme consists of a series of online activities, comprising interactive workshops and lectures, exchange of best practice, and peer-to-peer support and network opportunities. Jewish Museum in Trondheim holds a role of as a partner in the programme.
The MEST is curated and produced by Eva Koppen. For more information please contact
MEST is part of the Jewish Cultural Heritage Project supported by the EEA Grants from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, and by the state budget of Poland.