Call for Papers – Twelfth EAJS Congress
Twelfth EAJS Congress, 16-20 July 2023 in Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Deadline: 31 December 2022, 23:59 (GMT+1)
Jewish Studies is – and has been since Leopold Zunz’ Etwas über die rabbinische Literatur – a multi-disciplinary field that brings together scholars, topics and methods from across many academic disciplines. Additionally, Jewish Studies scholars are often involved in multi-disciplinary networks, cooperating and communicating with colleagues from a wide variety of fields. At the same time, research into Jewish history, culture, languages and the like is not limited to Jewish Studies departments, creating yet wider networks and even greater diversity.
The twelfth EAJS congress, “Branching Out. Diversity of Jewish Studies”, taking place in Frankfurt/Main (Germany) on 16-20 July 2023, will showcase the diversity that is an integral part of Jewish Studies: research topics that range from the Bible and ancient history to contemporary Jewish thought and culture, a multitude of different sources from all over the world, methods and approaches from archaeology to digital humanities, and a vast array of interdisciplinary networks and research approaches.
Scholars of Jewish Studies from Europe and beyond are invited to propose papers and sessions. The maximum duration of a paper is twenty minutes with additional ten minutes reserved for discussion. The Call for Papers contains all formal requirements and a list of sections with their rationale. Proposals for papers and sessions must be submitted through the congress website.
For a special section for Graduate Students, click here
Proposals for papers and sessions will be accepted until 31 December 2022, 23:59 (GMT +1). All proposals received until this date will be reviewed by specialists in the respective field of Jewish Studies. Decisions will be communicated in February 2023.
Congress fees:
Paid up EAJS Members: € 80
EAJS Student Members: € 50
Non-Members: € 180
Non-Members (PhD Students): € 80
For the call for submissions for Distinguished EAJS Panels and Distinguished EAJS Graduate Student Panels, click here