Zoom Event: REMEMBR-HOUSE international contest
On January 30, 2024, at 6.30 pm/CET, the award ceremony of the international contest “Remembr-house” will be held online on Zoom. The event is part of the project carried out by the National Museum of Italian Judaism and the Shoah (MEIS) in Ferrara and Fondazione 1563, and it’s funded by the European Union in the framework of the CERV (Citizens, Equality, Rights and Value) Program.
The house is the center of the project in both its physical and emotional spaces: family, refuge, security, sharing, and constraint are just some of the many meanings it evokes. Following a digital humanities approach, the Historical Archive of the Compagnia di San Paolo becomes the starting point to explore the history of the 20th century: the papers of the EGELI Fund make it possible to retrieve detailed lists of the confiscations of Jewish assets in Piedmont and Liguria after the Italian Fascist government approved the Racial Laws in 1938, and in the years that followed. The house is an extraordinary means of approaching the history of the Shoah: reviving the memory of lost rooms and objects establishes a link with the past and with individual stories that become symbols to rethink the present and fundamental human rights.
The contest was addressed to classes and groups of people (13- to 19-year-olds), residents in EU Member States. They had to present a project for a House of Memory referring to and further developing thinking and reflections on inalienable human rights and the key themes of the REMEMBR-HOUSE Project (the shared theme of house/home and what it means in people’s lives; thoughts and remarks about the denial of rights; active citizenship; the value & importance of personal choices and dialogue, discussion and the exchange of ideas and opinions).
The winning Memory Houses, from the first to the fifth, will be reproduced in a traveling exhibition and shown in various locations in Italy and abroad. The first classified group will also be invited to present the House of Memory at the Turin Book Fair (Salone del Libro di Torino) in May 2024.
REMEMBR-HOUSE also offers civic education courses for teachers, educators, and students, engaging, digital, and innovative approaches and tools with a strong emphasis on historical research and information literacy. The project includes workshops with students, training for teachers and professionals, dissemination activities, multimedia content, and the production of bilingual teaching kits and manuals.
If you would like to attend the Zoom award ceremony, you can write to casamemoria@meisweb.it
For further information: Contest – REMEMBR-HOUSE/CASE DI MEMORIA