Conference: Engaging Society in Self-Reflective Museums

Joint Conference: ICAMT and ICMEMO 2017
October 14-18th in Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S.A. 
Memory Building: Engaging Society in Self-Reflective Museums

The International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of the Victims of Public Crimes and the International Committee for Architecture and Museum Techniques have a joint conference in Cincinnati, USA.
The theme of the conference is “MEMORY BUILDING: Engaging Society in self-reflective Museums”

According to the organisers, Cincinnati offers an unexpectedly apt venue at the crossroads of a complex political time to explore the topic of engaging societies in self-reflective museums. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center will host the meeting that begins with an examination of American narratives in its national museums, and moves to other themes of interest to ICAMT and ICMEMO members in joint and parallel sessions – including the “Architecture of Memorial Museums on Historical Sites and Off Site”, the “Human Rights Struggle and Slavery in Exhibitions throughout the World”, creating innovative spaces, and recreating spaces where the narratives used for years are no longer resonant with its current visitors.

ICAMT and ICMEMO members, students and all interested museum professionals are kindly invited to participate.

Read more about the conference here.

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